Index of /Distributions/Other/Coherent/

NameLast Modified:Size:Type:
../ -  Directory
base/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
compiler/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
DemonArchives/2004-Feb-06 10:02:08-  Directory
documents/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
dos/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
ghostscript/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
kernelsource/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
Stephen_Ness/2015-Jan-06 12:40:37-  Directory
updates/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
upgrade/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
x11r5/2004-Feb-06 09:19:21-  Directory
README2004-Feb-06 09:30:220.9Kapplication/octet-stream
Readme.old2004-Feb-05 04:05:030.9Kapplication/octet-stream
COHERENT 4.2.10 Archive.

This archive contains both binary media and kernel source code
for Mark Williams' COHERENT 4.2.10.

base/         The base system (disk images).
compiler/     The GNU C/C++ compiler (2.5.6).
docs/         FAQ, and other documentation.
dos/          The RAWRITE utility.
ghostscript/  PostScript utilities (disk images).
kernelsource/ The kernel source code (see notes).
updates/      Various utility updates.
x11r5/        The X11R5 window system (disk images).
DemonArchive/ Partial COHERENT archive (see notes).


1) boot.tgz in kernelsource/ appears to be corrupt.
   This shouldn't cause a problem realy.

2) The Demon Internet mirror is incomplete.  I chose to only
   mirror the "essentials".
   The full archive is available at:

3) The original source for the COHERENT media was:
Unix Archive mirror by